Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Insomnia attacks... AGAIN.

Summer is a perfectly good season to be an insomniac. You have tons of free time, plus, you get to do all the things that you couldn't do when you were at school (i.e. watching shows that are shown during school nights, watch DVDs that came out during "hell" (finals) week of spring quarter, update your website or your blogsite, etc.). I admit, I'm an insomniac during summers, just ask my friends, they know that I can stay up as late as 3 am in the morning, or even 4 am in the morning. Weird, I know.

However, I only intend to be an insomniac during the summer season so that's why I train my biological clock to sleep at a more reasonable hour two weeks before school starts this way I can wake up early to attend classes knowing that I won't be feeling any sleepiness for one whole hour. Unfortunately, my recent routine of sleeping early has been sabotaged by my summer disease.

Why can't it wait till Christmas break?? WHYYYY??

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