Friday, July 30, 2004


There's an OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) in all of us...
Do you guys agree with me? I know for a fact that I have it in me, even just a tad of it. Here's an example:
When I moved to Seattle, I have had thoughts of doing some writings. Back then, I thought of it as one of my "outlets", the one where I could easily burn out all the frustrations I had with myself and my family.
I did do some writings, mostly writings about moods and feelings that I had when I first moved there. I didn't do "real" writings.
Junior year in HS - 
This was the time I was introduced to the lovely world of writing. I learned how to write based on reflections and experiences. This was the time I started to write essays, poems, reviews and speeches. 
Senior year in HS -  
This was the time I took two writing classes, one was called "Creative Writing" class and the other was "Essay Fundamentals" class. 
The first few assignments of the Creative Writing class was a drag for me. WHY? Let's just say that writing vignettes (a writing slang for "short stories") wasn't my thing. But the very last assignment for that class was a thrill for me. We were assigned to do a final project of whichever category of creative writing --- either a collection of poems, a 5-page vignette, or a monologue. I chose to do a collection of poems and when I saw the grade given to me for that project, I felt like I finished that class without any traces of regrets.
On the other hand, the Essay Fundamentals class was all about essays (hence, the name for it). My instructor, who happens to be the same instructor I had for my Creative Writing class, taught the class with no intimidation. She taught us to write based on experiences. She taught us how to give "light" to our writings. She even taught us words that we didn't know existed. For this class, we had to write 6 essays, each having its own theme. My favorite theme was the "persuasive" essay theme, where the concept is just picking a controversial topic to which you have your own opinion about, i.e. "Gay marriage" and putting your opinion about it on paper along with researched supports and oppositions. 
I did mine on "coffee". I said that coffee was bad for your health. Yep, being a coffee lover that I am, I turned myself into a hypocrite just for that essay. But, my hypocrisy paid off, because I got a good grade for the essay! :) 
So, what's my whole point about giving you a history about my writing experiences? Honestly, I don't know what my point is, I just wanted to give you guys a history on how I learned to love writing.
How does this all fit to the whole OCD thing? Well, recently, I'm having some thoughts of writing a book. I've been having these thoughts for a long time now and it is just killing me that I cannot put them into action. I already have a theme/topic in mind, now all I need to do is just cram up in one peaceful and quiet place and begin to write an outline. BUT I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING, I'M JUST SITTING HERE, IN FRONT OF MY BROTHER-IN-LAW'S LAPTOP, TYPING AWAY MY FRUSTRATING THOUGHTS. I think I am going to be like this even until the time I go back to Seattle. FRUSTRATED. OBSESSED. FRUSTRATED.
Do you guys see where the OCD thing comes into play here? If not, well.. at least I gave an effort in showing it.
Another OCD... 
I just finished watching an episode of Sex and the City and I can't help but notice that Sarah Jessica Parker's character, Carrie, is a bit obsessive. It was the episode where she encountered an ex-girlfriend of Aidan (her ex-fiance), who made a "face" at her. The face that says "ohhh this is the girl who breaks the hearts of many men". She became even more obsessed about the "face" comment, when she read her book review, which says, "gives credits to women, makes men look disposable" (I cannot remember the exact words, so forgive me for paraphrasing). I don't really know how to explain the whole point of the episode, but if you guys have watched that particular episode you'll know what I'm saying about her being obsessive.       

Side Notes: I watched the South Border band @ UPLB yesterday. I'll upload pictures soon. The front man with the bonnet is so CUTE!

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