Monday, December 27, 2004

The THING I Hate Most about Vacations

I was sound asleep when my mom came barging in on me with the phone on her hand.

"LIANE! It's Marci from Dr. Allen's office"


First things first, Dr. Allen is a dentist. Marci is Dr. Allen's receptionist aka. administrative assistant.

That dentist office have been trying to reach me for months now for my tooth cleaning. I didn't want to call them because for one, I hate going to the dentists nowadays because it's freakin' scary and second of all, it's freaking far! I hate walking from the Northgate Transit Center to go to 8th Ave,, that's like what?? 8 blocks? 9 blocks?? WHO KNOWS?? I don't count! I only count the huffiness and puffiness that I feel after I arrived the office, because it's so tiring!! and PLUS!! It's freaking cold!! It's December for crying out loud!!!

But I was cornered with that call. I should've turned off the line last night while they were sleeping. GRRR!!! I think I have to move my window shopping that I was suppose to do today to Wednesday.

Yeah I know, I'm gross and I'm a drama queen.


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