Monday, April 04, 2005

and the WITCHCRAFT keeps piling up...

Friendster featured "horoscopes" as their new feature today. I read mine just for the heck of it and to my dismay this is what it read:

"You've been holding on to a vital, startling piece of information for quite some time now -- and you're ready to hang on to it for even longer, if need be. You might not be able to, however, if anyone else knows -- and if one of those 'anyones' wants to cause some major disruption in your life. Be careful who you let in on the secret. Even if it's someone you adore."

Now seriously, is there something going on around me that I should be aware of? Or am I just paranoid? See, this is what happens when you read into horoscopes and fortunes, THEY MAKE YOU PARANOID!!! GRRRR...

There's something about this "horoscope read" that hit me, hence, me getting all paranoid. I won't go into anymore detail about it.

(YAY!! I'm through with writing about personal stuff!! HE.HE.HE.).


Gail T. said...

yeah, horoscopes make you paranoid. they're made to be so ambiguous to be able to "match" whatever the reader is going through.

oy, i have a writing idea for you. you could write a poem or a short fiction piece with your fortune cookie fortune (ano daw?) as your first line... if you decide to take my bait, email me the result. mwah.

Liane said...

hahaha.. fortune cookie fortune.. hahahaha.. that's funny.. I'll think about your idea, I need to go in a "zen" like mode in order to create it.. You know naman, need to be at peace with self before I could write something "profound".. wehehehehehe.. ang arte ko!!

Anonymous said...

di naman kailangang profound eh. :) kahit funny okay.

grai said...

ei, liane..ayos ung post mo ah..n-weirdohan din ako dun sa friendster..nwei, why were you bothered by what my friend posted in my tag-board? where's yours nga pala? and whom were you referring to dun sa bottom page entry mo? :D miz yah, gurrl.^_^

grai said...

ei, liane..ayos ung post mo ah..n-weirdohan din ako dun sa friendster..nwei, why were you bothered by what my friend posted in my tag-board? where's yours nga pala? and whom were you referring to dun sa bottom page entry mo? :D miz yah, gurrl.^_^

Anonymous said...

gailt - otei! sometime soon, i'll do it..

grai - wala lang, natamaan lang ako! hehehe.. I'll make kuento na lang next time.. and about the entry at the bottom page.. next time din! hehehe..