Saturday, November 27, 2004

Random Acts of Rambling

In regards to what I said in my last entry about posting pictures from the API (Asia Pacific Islander Club) Thanksgiving potluck, I decided to post them on a much much later date, say after my Dec.14 MATH final? You see, I don't really have the determination to do a photojournal entry these days. In fact, if you look through my photo pages, you will see pages severely lacking current photos. I have tons of photos to edit and upload and I have no time to do it right now, because as you may well now, the next two weeks will be HELL weeks for me and I'm also preoccupied in researching pros and cons about a Mac computer.

But what I have time for to do right now is write. I dunno, I suddenly got the urge to do it after 4 days of neglecting to write a half-descent entry for this site. HMM.. the inspiration that Carrie Bradshaw gives to me, you see before typing this entry, I was watching the first six episodes of season 2 of Sex and the City. Get it? Get it? Carrie Bradshaw insipiring writing?? YEAHH.. I think you got it.

Anyway, I did something incredibly weird yesterday. I slept at 5:30 in the morning (Yes, I'm officially an insomniac). I went to bed at around 1:30 am, hoping and wishing that I could be sound asleep in a mere minute or so. But noooo... I was shifting from left and right 100 times. Consequently, I got fed up with the whole "shifting" so I stood up and positioned myself in front of my computer and surfed my way into blogsites and Friendster. Thankfully, my guy friends were online in YM to keep me company too.

Wow, sleeping at 5:30 in the morning brought back memories of the time when I was celebrating birthdays with my friends back in the PI last summer. Good times. Miss ko na sila.

By the way, do you guys dig the template revamp? I know I do.

See Yah.

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