Saturday, May 05, 2007

Grey's 2-hour and Spidey's 2hr20min


They're doing this "spin-off" on Addison's character and they started to introduce it through the two hour episode that they had last Thursday. Quite interesting and funny to see all those co-op doctors work and act. Also, I loved the fact that she was reuniting with her med school best friends. It makes for an interesting statement for me, because I want to reunite with my high school friends. Hayyy..

Also, the Shepherd and Mark moment was priceless. They're enemies and friends at the same time.

And seriously, the George and Izzie thing is pissing me off. Somehow it's like this past thing that I happened to me. I don't want them together, I like Izzie and Alex together.

Spider Man 3


"I'll die for my friends" - Harry

Yeah, he actually did. At a pivotal moment of this movie. Touching scene.

"Revenge is like a poison" - Aunt Mae

Yeah, VENOM covering Spider Man all up and a BELL helped him take it of.

"People always need some help, Peter, even Spider Man" - Mary Jane

"Harry, I need your help" - Peter Parker

You guys should seriously watch it. Best Spider Man movie among the trilogy.

Also, I watched the Fantastic Four trailer. Funny and action-filled. LOL.

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