Monday, May 14, 2007

From StealThatLook Blog:

”One of the most striking differences between a well-dressed American and a well-dressed Parisienne is in the size of their respective wardrobes. The American would probably be astonished by the very limited number of garments hanging from the Frenchwoman’s closet, but she would also be bound to observe that each one is of excellent quality, expensive perhaps by American standards, and perfectly adapted to the life that the Frenchwoman leads…Americans are often shocked by the high prices in the Paris shops, and they wonder how a young career girl, who earns half the salary of her American counterpart can afford to carry an alligator handbag and to wear a suit from the Balmain boutique. The answer is that she buys very few garments; her goal is to possess a single perfect ensemble for each of the different occasions in her life, rather than a wide choice of clothes to suit her every passing mood.” (page 147-148)

It’s not like this is the first time I’ve heard about this. Tito Johnny, my friend Nina’s fabulous uncle and a valued client at Homme et Femme (thanks for letting me use your discount! hahaha!) has long instructed us on the virtues of French women. He said that Parisienne girls never give in to impulse shopping. They really save their salary to be able to purchase the best bag/coat/pair of shoes that their money can buy. You will never see them settling for the next best thing.

Between my mom’s astute observations and Tito Johnny’s impassioned teachings, that’s what I call the wisdom of our elders!

(Style Spy: manilafashionobserver)

So maybe I should embrace that French woman mantra. It makes sense. Buying trends that will be passe in the next few months does not even make any sense, although, I still wear them even if they are pass. So I resolve to follow this ideal. Maybe it will do me good, after all I barely shop anymore (also, I'm flat broke).

1 comment:

Gail T. said...

i guess i spend like the parisienne rather than the american. not that i spend as much. i mean, alligator bag? hehe. anyway, i go for the best that i can buy. sometimes, i waver into the american territory, but you can probably tell that my wardrobe is limited. ;)

how are you liane?