Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Picture Post I

01/26/07: The Shoes that Hurt my Feet

This shoes made my feet suffered that day. I had scabs on the sole of my feet. It was crazy. But I learned an important lesson that day.

Never buy shoes that don't fit you well, NO MATTER HOW CUTE THEY ARE.

LOL. I'm crazy that way.

That day was also the day of my first PChem Midterm. So yeah, the end of my day was pretty much a day of craziness.

I still have yet to get the results of my test. Hmm.. I wonder..

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Photos are sad.

I just remembered that I took a picture from last Friday that I thought I would post here. But, I haven't got the chance to upload it. ARGGHHH.. I'm losing touch I'm telling you. I owe Photography a lot these days.


Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Classes. My Business.

February 6. My first midterm in Rome's History and Art History.

I'm quite scared because I have seen the guidelines for review (which is on the left side of this entry.). A lot of it based on memorizing dates (to which I totally hate since.. yeah.. I just don't like memorizing numbers.. except when it comes to Math or Chem of course.. ). Hayyy.. O mi gosh.. I'm scared. But I can't be scared. I took this history class for two reasons. One, for me to learn about the history of Rome, so I won't be an ignorant pompous ass when one day I see myself walking on the streets of Rome seeing all the nice places, and TWO, so I would conquer my apathy against history.

O mi gosh..

I'm really scared.

But um.. I won't be scared. I'm writing our first paper right now. It's about the theme "virtue and vice" within the Roman history. So, techinically, I'm reviewing already.


Ok. Must go back to the paper. I have one week to review. ONE WEEK. AND on top of that, I still need to review for my other classes. I have another book to read for my History of Christianity class. And my PChem professor ain't making life easier for us.

Ok. Must stop complaining.

I haven't got the chance to upload pictures of the new additions to our family. My cousin gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl. I'll upload as soon as the craziness in my life tames down, to which I hope would be after my rome exam next week.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Life Lessons

Realizing that I am a bit of a freakish, illogical and unreasonable person when I'm mad/high tempered..

ERR.. Menn.. You know it is true. You don't want to be wrong and yet sometimes you still are too stubborn to admit that you're wrong. I don't know if its genetically embedded in a girl's DNA to be prideful. Aren't men suppose to me more egotistical than girls?

Anyway. I've decided to calm my self down and start living a life (with less) pride. I am not sure how that will go because as we all know, pride is the one sin that we all can't beat, unless of course we have a strong heart to beat it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

New Found Glory

Errrmm.. so I'm back here.. hahaha..

anywaaayy.. I'm tired.. I just got done doing my physical chemistry homework.. must review tomorrow because i have midterms coming up.. argghhh.. tomorrow, my cousin will be having her twin babies (joyy!!!!), boy and girl people.. i have a nephew and a niece through my first cousin!!

anyway.. it's gonna be loud and distraction prone in this house in the next month or so. soooo.. I am thinking of making Starbucks in 220th my new home for studying.. ohhhh boyy.. hahahaha..

i have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.. after school and work, i'm gonna go to the hospital to check my new niece and nephew (this is gonna be a toll to write.. ).. ok..

i'm off to fix my stuff..

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thermochemistry, Early Rome 7 Kings, Romans sees Christians..

- Seattle had another snowstorm.
- Seattle has icy roads.
- I don't like Seattle when it snows during the end of the week.
- Seattle sucks when it snows and freezes below standard temperature.

I'm very whiny right now. I was itching to go out earlier but couldn't because it's so chilly outside AND the roads are covered with ice. BAD to drive on roads that are covered with ice. So I just stayed home and looked for e-coupons for ipods and Tiger OSX (which I had no luck by the way). I'm actually planning to buy a new iPod since I gave my old one to my dad and I'm also planning to buy a new operating system for my iBook since it's long overdue of an upgrade with its OS. I've been having trouble downloading some "10.4 required" apps lately so I have to be upgraded to a 10.4 system.

I've been rather busy again. It's a 3 day weekend (Martin Luther King Day on Monday) and of course, if it's a 3 day weekend, profs love to stack homeworks and readings on you. This quarter I'm taking: History of Christianity, History and Art History of Rome, and the second course of the Physical Chemistry series. So, I have a lot in my hands, LOTS of readings. PLUS, I'm working and planning to volunteer at the hospital. AND I also applied for Phlebotomy Course at North Seattle Comm College. So Yeah... it will be a busy quarter and so much for social life! I have to start getting use to it. I have to stop sleeping through bus rides and sleeping in between classes. It's quite hard to get back in the game when you have been out for a while, but I'm getting the hang of it so far. Next week, I'll probably in it 99.4%. HE. HE.

Little Snowman 2006
(reminiscent of the snowstorm Seattle had last November 2006)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm sailing off to "neverland".. whatever that means..

Since I'm beginning to be boring and slowly losing my passion over my academics, I'm gonna start posing with the pictures that I took last year that I have uploaded onto another flickr site.

I took this picture last spring with Gene at the Old Ivar's dock. It was pretty nice out there, kinda cold, but nice. I recommend it for people who loves to take picture and for couples who want to see something new in seattle (in case of course you haven't been there)

I like this picture because it depicts ME (the boat) wanting to sail off of
Seattle. I'm not liking Seattle anymore. I don't if it's because of the rain or the vibe here. I don't know.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Skinny as the new trend?? THEN I must be a Trendy person!

Skinny jeans. Leggings. Tights.


I'm not the kind of person to follow trends while it's happening. I usually do that when the trend is OVER, meaning it's no longer a fashion "YES".

I was at the mall today and I saw a pair of leggings in Hollister. 9.90. Yeah. NO! I've been telling my mom and my sister that I'm not buying a pair of leggings for that much amount of money. Heck, I can buy food for two days for that amount of money.

Last Sunday, I improvised on leggings.. since I'm too cheap to buy them. I cut off the foot of my stockings and VOILA! Leggings my friends! Too bad I didn't take a picture. EFF! I'm getting boring.. that's not good..


Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 was fun. 2007 will be cooler.

Discovered new things.

  • I can actually keep my room clean. I re-did the whole layout of my room when my Christmas break started and yeah, I'm kinda digging the new look. Although, I have to accustom or rather train myself to fix my stuff. It gets too crowded in my room when there are too much stuff.

  • I discovered that I have the power to become uber crazy when I'm drunk. It's true, people do the craziest things when they're drunk. AND they also go through the most embarassing things.

  • I discovered that I can make the FIRST move to the things that I want most and HEY, making the first move isn't so bad at all. You actually can get what you want.

  • I've been through phases this year. It was crazy.

Trashed the old things.

  • I trashed some bad vibes around me. It wasn't the nicest thing I've ever done, but at least I got it out of my system AND my environment.

  • I made some people mad AND I made some people think with this ENTRY.

Discovered things about myself and my surroundings.

When people do things that I despise, I realize that I despise it because I myself do the same thing that they do.
I realized that no matter how hard you try, you'll still expect from others.
I realized that nothing in this world can be permanent. It always ends up being messed up.
I learned not to push myself into somewhere I don't belong to.
I learned to watch my back even more.
I learned the power of true friendship.
I learned the art of being passive aggressive.

To the people that I have met, thank you for the lasting impressions you gave me.
To the few that I have hurt, for that I am sorry. I don't expect for things to get back to the way they are, because I know that IT will never will.

Goodluck and God bless with this year everyone.
