Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Classes. My Business.

February 6. My first midterm in Rome's History and Art History.

I'm quite scared because I have seen the guidelines for review (which is on the left side of this entry.). A lot of it based on memorizing dates (to which I totally hate since.. yeah.. I just don't like memorizing numbers.. except when it comes to Math or Chem of course.. ). Hayyy.. O mi gosh.. I'm scared. But I can't be scared. I took this history class for two reasons. One, for me to learn about the history of Rome, so I won't be an ignorant pompous ass when one day I see myself walking on the streets of Rome seeing all the nice places, and TWO, so I would conquer my apathy against history.

O mi gosh..

I'm really scared.

But um.. I won't be scared. I'm writing our first paper right now. It's about the theme "virtue and vice" within the Roman history. So, techinically, I'm reviewing already.


Ok. Must go back to the paper. I have one week to review. ONE WEEK. AND on top of that, I still need to review for my other classes. I have another book to read for my History of Christianity class. And my PChem professor ain't making life easier for us.

Ok. Must stop complaining.

I haven't got the chance to upload pictures of the new additions to our family. My cousin gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl. I'll upload as soon as the craziness in my life tames down, to which I hope would be after my rome exam next week.

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