People who have known you for quite some time. Oh say.. 8 years? 9 years?
Most of my friends back home are graduating this year. How fast time goes by. I wish I could watch them. I wish I could be there to congratulate them. TO give them a hug for a job well done.
I wish I could be there during reunions. I've missed a lot. One of my friends told me that I need to make up for the absences. Don't worry, someday I will.
I really miss them. the fun that I had with them. The teasing. The jokings. Everything.
I just wish that they would take the effort to say or drop an email here and there. That's all I want. A simple hi. I just don't want to do all the effort. But sometimes I have to, in order for me to know that I'm not forgotten. dramatic, i know.
I just miss them. Wala lang. I just wish that they're like a city away from me.
Lin and Lenn
I miss them. They're my girls.
And them too.
[l-r: lin, paolo, grace, joy, ryan, karlenn]
I use to have long talks with these guys in this picture. Talks, debates, philosophical talks.. haayy... everything...
If you guys are reading this. Kindly drop me a note. email. friendster message. ym message. masaya na ko sa ganon. pramis.
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