He just came in from the kennel (an overnight place for dogs, kind of like a hotel, but only for dogs) today and we learned that it took 3 people to try and bathe him. But, to those people's dismay, Curly just wanted have his way of not wanting to take a bath.
So now my aunt is trying to hose him down with the garden hose but he just keeps on avoiding it.
Only my dog, ladies and gentlemen, only my dog.

Ending this with a survey from Gail:
Seven things that scare you
1. car accidents
2. snakes
3. failing
4. not living up to my own expectations
5. heights
6. losing my parents
7. being alone
Seven things that you like the most
1. my laptop
2. my room
3. my ipod
4. my dog, Curly
5. Christmas
6. Sunday BBQ's at my aunt's house
7. God
Seven important things in your room
1. the closet(s)
2. the bed
3. the computer
4. the radio
5. the computer table turned study table
6. the phone
7. the container that contains my life's important stuff
Seven random facts about you
1. There's a 75(+)-25(-) percent chance that I could name a song that people will tell me to name.
2. I don't like to cry because I hate feeling vulnerable.
4. I'm a frustrated photographer
5. I want to travel Europe because of the culture, the history and the OH so many places to see.
6. You won't see me not use a computer for a day
7. I heart fried chicken.
Seven things you plan to do before you die
1. Travel Europe.
2. Exhibit my best photographs in a gallery
3. Help the less fortunate
4. Work in a hospital
5. Do medical research
6. Do medical mission
7. Play the piano in front of many people. In short, I want to do the grade 1 piano recital that I never did. (Stage fright).
Seven things you can do
1. I can cook
2. I can catch a football
3. I can wall climb
4. I can go through 24 hours without sleeping
5. I can make a website using basic html
6. I can be pathetic and shallow at the same time
7. I can clean!! LOL.
Seven things you can't do
1. I can't perform in front of a big audience
2. I can't sit around in one place and do nothing
3. I can't sit still when I'm hyper (DUH!)
4. I can't stand reality TV shows
5. I can't calm myself down when I'm excited
6. I can't think of anything more to add to this.
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex
1. body figure (ABS!)
2. eyes
3. sense of humor
4. if he can carry a conversation
5. gets along with my friends & family
6. talents
7. shares the same interests as i have
Seven celeb crushes
1. Brad Pitt
2. Vin Diesel
3. Orlando Bloom
4. Angelina Jolie
5. The Rock
6. Lucky Manzano
7. Hugh Jackman
Seven people you want to see take this quiz
1. Angie (copy and paste mo sa friendster!)
2. Sarah
3. Gail T.
4. Jenn (copy and paste mo din sa friendster!)
5. Nica
6. Grai
7. Joelle
Hey Liane :) Thanks for visiting my blog. Anyway, I really like the pictures you take. Great shots. :D
...and I see my tag went a long way. Haha. I enjoyed going through your blog. Keep it up! Take care :)
oy! Sarah. ako bayan. copy ku din to, ah!
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