Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Best Advisers are sometimes bad advice takers.

I've been recently preaching to a couple of choir members about how parents will not "be parents" if they don't pry, say something, or comment about their child's life.

It's bad now that the preacher will now complain about how her mom's subtle distrust bugs her to bits.

I swear. Everytime that I go out, it's like I'm going to this death zone where she doesn't want me to go into. I get that she's a parent, just worrying about how dangerous it will be for a 19-year old girl to go out in the wild wild world at this hour. But a little trust on me and the good Man up there won't really hurt now would it?

Sometimes, I just loathe being the youngest or should I say the "only child". Parents just become so protective to the point that they don't trust my judgment sometimes.

Or maybe I'm just being irrational while I'm b*tch*n' away.

Repeat after me kids,

-- Parents won't "be parents" if they don't butt in their child's life. --

Repeat these words 10x and you will calm down. Or at least you'll feel sane during the moment that you repeat these words.

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