Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Christmas in Seattle

The day before Christmas is when the family gets together at 6 in the evening to eat the Christmas Dinner prepared by my aunt.

A dinner that consists of prime rib as the main dish and mashed potatoes, corn, and mushrooms as the side dishes.

The dinner usually ends up in bickering because of the YUMMYLICIOUS desserts that Tita Elsa makes.

My cousin Inee and I ALWAYS fight over the corners of the cassava cake. The corners are better tasting than the middle ones.

After dinner, we all bum around either in the dining room or in the living room to either bicker some more or chat or gang up on Kuya Eric.

We go to the 10 pm mass either in St. Pious or in St. Mark's.

After the mass, we go straight home to eat rolls of bread and drink hot cocoa or coffee.

While eating, we constantly check out the clock to see if it's already 12 am.

When 12 am strikes. The gifts will be passed out and opened.

After all the excitement happen from Christmas Eve till Christmas day, we go to my uncle's house to visit and share the spirit of Christmas.

(note to reader: this is my attempt in making a Christmas poem)


My Christmas spirit this year is different from last year and the year before that. I must say that it's comforting and at the same time exciting to know that my Christmas spirit is on high grounds this year. I literally can't explain to myself how joyous I feel whenever I see Christmas decorations in the mall or in people's houses or how excited I feel whenever I hear Christmas songs play on the radio.

All I want for Christmas is ... (Version 2)

1. APPLE IBook G4 -- I wonder if someone is willing to pay $999 just to give me this.

2. Power Book G4 -- Or $1600?? Any takers?

3. IPOD Mini Blue -- I want IT! I want to HAVE THIS!!

4. The OC Mix 1 and Mix 2 CD -- ok, for $11 a CD, can anyone buy this for me?? PLEASE??

5. Any Adobe Photoshop Software -- It's for my "hobby" of taking pictures

Here's what I want this world to have for Christmas:


Merry Christmas, y'all!

photos provided by: &

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