Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Chocolates make me hyper and awake . . .

If one is on a break, aren't they entitled to catch up with their sleep, which means one can actually sleep at 10 pm instead of 2 am?

I'm on a break, a Christmas break. It's 2am in the morning and I'm still wide awake. I don't know if it's the Hershey's or my biological clock, which is programmed to sleep at 3 am in the morning during school days, that's keeping me awake at this ungodly hour. The worst part about not being able to sleep is I don't know what to do. I'm not in the mood to finish reading Stephen King's On Writing nor am I in the mood for watching, yet again, another round of seasons 1-3 of Sex and the City. I'm telling you this kind of problem screws the heck out of my brain. It's driving me nuts.

I want someone to talk to, but what person that lives in this city is awake at this hour? I'm tempted to call my friends in the PI, but I'm not up for another sermon coming from my mom regarding phone bills gone a wry.

Seriously, this illness is driving me insane.

On to another subject, there are 4 more days to go before Christmas. I envy my eldest sister, Leah, because she gets to go back to the PI to celebrate Christmas with my other sister, Lee, and my brother, John. Christmas in the PI, I miss it: the simbang gabi, the cold wind that touches your skin, the smell of bibingka and the caroling. I miss it. Although Christmas here in Seattle isn't so bad at all, it really doesn't compare to the 14 years of Christmas I spent in the PI. It's just different. I think Christmas there is much more festive than it is here. Or maybe I'm just being biased. Anyway, I'm just glad that for the first time I'm spending Christmas here without the feeling of not wanting to be here swimming around my head.

Merry Christmas y'all!!

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