Wednesday, December 29, 2004
The News that Stings . . .
Friends, let us all pray for the 80000+ people that died in South Asia due to the earthquake and tsunami attacks.
Pray also for the people who have survived.
THE Dentist Appointment.
I had an appointment with my dentist today and boy oh boy! did he have some news for me. The gum, where an "old" tooth (the whole story behind this gross thing is just way too long to tell and I'm not really up for going down memory lane, so I will just have to leave it at that) resided, is once again developing another cyst.
It's one word and it scares the heck out of me. I remember the last time I had the first cyst in that gum. It evolved into an infection which led me to go to some type of gum doctor for him to remove the excruciatingly painful dot that has formed in my gums. I don't want to go through that again because I remember the pain that I felt, even with anesthetics, while the merciless doctor was removing the "pus" out of the spot. I don't want to feel that pain again, the pain that made me cry because it hurt so much.
(sorry for yet another gross story)
I started filling out trasfer applications for the following universities:
1. University of Washington
2. Seattle Pacific University
3. Seattle University
Again, I have two back-ups just in case UW does not accept me again.
I can't apply to schools that are 20 miles away from home because my mom is deadset on not wanting me to live in a dorm or an apartment. I have no idea why, but I'm guessing she fears that I might be one of those kids who MIGHT go off in the wrong direction if the parents are not present.
UPDATE (12-30-04 @ 1:55pm):
I was thinking about how I complained yesterday about the pain that I would feel if I go through another process of removing the cyst in my gums. I asked myself, "why am I complaining/struggling about such a small thing (that might not even happen) when people, who are an ocean away from me, are struggling to find ways to recuperate from the effects of the tsunamis and the earthquake."
*116,000 people, dead
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
It's all about Christmas. . .
Christmas this year. I don't know. Somehow it has a different feel from the other Christmases that I've spent here. Although it was sweet, it was very subtle and very short. If you look back at the other entries I wrote about Christmas, you would think that I was expecting to have a blast this year. I did have a blast, it's just that it's not THE "blast" I was expecting.
I know you can't expect too much from Christmas. You can't expect to receive gifts from anyone you gave gifts too, you can't expect anyone to be around when you call them up and you can't expect everyone to be so bright and positive after a midnight mass. In short, you can't expect everything to be so perfect on Christmas.
Jesus Christ was born in a manger. I believe that Mary and Joseph thought of a manger, as a not-so-perfect place for a blessed Child to be born into because it's cold and there are lots of bad elements roaming around. Yet, they stuck with it with all pride and smiles, because they knew that God wanted them to be there and that He was there to protect them.
I don't know if this write-up made sense at all. If it didn't, I'm sorry. What I'm just trying to get out of this is the feeling of being content to what I experienced last Christmas and for expecting too much from it, a feeling of guilt and torment in my head.
The Good and the Bad of this year's Christmas:
BAD - Compared to last year, we didn't take that many pictures. I think my camera only caught 8 shots and my aunt's camera only caught 4.
GOOD - The Coronels, the Reantasos, and the Pamuspusans shared a very happy and hearty meal together.
BAD - I felt sad because I didn't have my sister with me.
GOOD - At least, my cousin Inee was there to make fun of and Jan Jen came in too.
GOOD - The "white elephant" gift giving was fun. I ended up with a "Truth or Dare Jenga" toy, which was the "steal of the night".
GOOD - We had fun playing Jenga and laughed at how Tito Pete enjoyed mocking us during our turns.
BAD - Tita Elsa, Tito Pete's wife, was feeling a bit under the weather during our play time.
BAD - When we were at church, I felt sad again.
GOOD - While browsing through the misallette (is that how you spell it?), I saw my ex CRUSH! BWAHAHAHA!! He sat right in front of us!! BWAHAHAHA!!! I had a good view of him!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
BAD - Since I usually share my "moments" with my sister, I felt even more sad. I wished that she was there, so that she could've at least seen what my X-crush looked like. I remember last year, a cute guy sat right in front of us and the whole time my sister and I were observed and discreetly talked about him
GOOD - I shared my moment with my cousin Inee. It wasn't the same, but at least I had her to share it with. (BAD LIANE! Comparing people! BAD!!)
GOOD - The bread and the cocoa we had after mass.
BAD - I felt awkward at the way my cousins mocked the homily of the mass.
GOOD - I felt content with the one gift that I received during the gift opening part of our Christmas saga, since we were only doing "secret santas" for that part. But after the "secret santa", I received more gifts from other people in our family.
I think my siblings had some conspiracy planned against me:
So that's how my Christmas went.
Yesterday, I had a revelation on why I felt so weird/sad during Christmas time this year. But that's a different story for a different time.
I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas this year.
Monday, December 27, 2004
The THING I Hate Most about Vacations
"LIANE! It's Marci from Dr. Allen's office"
First things first, Dr. Allen is a dentist. Marci is Dr. Allen's receptionist aka. administrative assistant.
That dentist office have been trying to reach me for months now for my tooth cleaning. I didn't want to call them because for one, I hate going to the dentists nowadays because it's freakin' scary and second of all, it's freaking far! I hate walking from the Northgate Transit Center to go to 8th Ave,, that's like what?? 8 blocks? 9 blocks?? WHO KNOWS?? I don't count! I only count the huffiness and puffiness that I feel after I arrived the office, because it's so tiring!! and PLUS!! It's freaking cold!! It's December for crying out loud!!!
But I was cornered with that call. I should've turned off the line last night while they were sleeping. GRRR!!! I think I have to move my window shopping that I was suppose to do today to Wednesday.
Yeah I know, I'm gross and I'm a drama queen.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft"
I bought this book two months ago at a local bookstore. I promised myself that I would finish reading it in a week.
It actually took me two and a half months to finish reading it.
I recommend this book to writers and non-writers alike. For writers, it will give you more writing lessons. For non-writers, it might just spark up a light that might cause you to start thinking about writing.
Here are a few quotable words King wrote and my takes on it:
*I bet you could do better. Write one on your own.
- Stephen's mom to Stephen.
This was King's mom advice to him when she read his copied work of a science fiction comic book or novel (I can't remember what it was) in his early days. It is the best advice a beginning writer could ever get and I think it is the best advice that people, who loves to copy other people's work, should hear.
*Four stories. A quarter apiece. That was the first buck I made in this business.
If I do decide to write a book, whatever type of book it may be, I wonder how much money I will make. Or even a much more contemplative thought, I wonder if anybody who's anybody will read my book.
*There is no Idea Dump, no Story Central, no Island of the Buried Bestsellers; good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowwhere, sailing at you right out of the empty sky.
True notion spoken by a best selling novelist. I for one have experience have experience such, I just can't remember when I experienced it.
*When you write a story, you're telling yourself the story. When you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not the story. (47)
I learned this lesson from the writing class that I took when I was a senior in high school. It's funny because I haven't quite grasp to full meaning of this lesson, yet.
*Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open. You stuff starts out being just for you, in other words, but then it goes out. Once you know what the story is and get it right--at right as you can, anyway-- it belongs to anyone who wants to read it. Or criticize it. If you're very lucky, more will want to do the former than the latter.
I write with the door close, I also rewrite with the door close. Does that work as well? I don't know. King is not here to answer me.
*Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. they don't have to make speeches. Just believing is usually enough. (65)
One of my friends admire my writing skills. She even coined me as the "writer" of the group. I don't know if I should agree with her or not, but then again, I didn't protest on her idea of coining me as a writer, so I guess I like being coined as a writer.Did that made sense at all?
*The most important is that the writer's original perception of a character or characters may be as erroneous as the reader's. Running a close second was the realization that stopping a piece of work just because it's hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.
I once thought that it would be a great idea to write a book about my eternal dramatic battle with my heart. I started writing bits on pieces of yellow paper. But then I decided it wasn't really a good idea to write about it, because who on earth would like to read a book about a person's struggle with her heart?
*Sometimes you have to go on when you don't feel like it, and sometimes you're doing good work when it feels like all you're managing is to shovel shit from a sitting position.
I struggled writing the major research paper that was required for the writing class I took last quarter. I struggled in composing a 2200 word essay in 3 days. I got frustrated and felt like giving up. But, I couldn't, because for one that essay could make or break my grade for that class. Secondly, I didn't want to quit for the reason that I was having a hard time overanalyzing every sentence I wrote.
*If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write.
I guess I should start reading books if I ever want to be a good writer.
*Talent renders the whole idea of rehearsal meaningless; when you find something at which you are talented, you do it (whatever it is) until your fingers bleed or your eyes are read to fall out of your head. Even when no one is listening (or reading, or watching), every outing is a bravura performance, because you as the creator are happy. Perhaps even ecstatic. (145)
I created a website out of HTML coding. I have an art page where I showcase all the photographs I took and edited. I have a blog that is full of anally (is that a word?) written entries.
A day in my life is not complete without me doing something with my computer.
Yes, I am a computer freak. Yes, I burn my eyes out in front of the computer. Yes, I waste time doing what I think I'm talented at. I don't get much credit for it, but I'm happy. I am A-O-K with what I do.... in front of my computer.
So there you have it folks. A glimpse on what King talked about in this book and also a glimpse of my life that you just can't get enough of (har har har).
Friday, December 24, 2004
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
no siblings in close proximity
"Wag ka na malungkot, me papalit naman sakin e, you just have to wait a few more months and dadating na rin si Ate Leah". (Don't be sad, Ate Leah will be here on Christmas)
This was me trying to comfort her for she was sad that I was about to fly back to Seattle after 3 months of fun-filled vacation.
She retorted:
"Gaga! Hindi ako malungkot kasi aalis ka na, malungkot ako kasi wala na naman akong kapatid na malapit". (I'm not sad because you're going, I'm sad because I have no siblings that are close in proximity)
Her words hit a nerve in me, but in my usual "i don't want to cry in front of a family member" schpill, I fought back the tears by jabbing her the words, "ang drama mo ate!".
In my previous entry, I talked about my other sister, Leah, spending Christmas back in the PI with my brother, John and my sister, Lee. That leaves me here in Seattle, all alone. In fact, this is the first Christmas that I will be celebrating without any siblings in sight. Technically, I'm not alone, I have my mom and my dad with me and also my aunt and my cousins. But it's different without any siblings in sight.
Anyway, I guess I am now feeling what my sister, Lee, was feeling before I left for Seattle last summer.
I texted her today, I told her, "Now I know what you mean by having no siblings in close proximity".
She replied, "HAHA, did you like the scarves?"
She was referring to the scarves that my dad brought from the PI.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Chocolates make me hyper and awake . . .
I'm on a break, a Christmas break. It's 2am in the morning and I'm still wide awake. I don't know if it's the Hershey's or my biological clock, which is programmed to sleep at 3 am in the morning during school days, that's keeping me awake at this ungodly hour. The worst part about not being able to sleep is I don't know what to do. I'm not in the mood to finish reading Stephen King's On Writing nor am I in the mood for watching, yet again, another round of seasons 1-3 of Sex and the City. I'm telling you this kind of problem screws the heck out of my brain. It's driving me nuts.
I want someone to talk to, but what person that lives in this city is awake at this hour? I'm tempted to call my friends in the PI, but I'm not up for another sermon coming from my mom regarding phone bills gone a wry.
Seriously, this illness is driving me insane.
On to another subject, there are 4 more days to go before Christmas. I envy my eldest sister, Leah, because she gets to go back to the PI to celebrate Christmas with my other sister, Lee, and my brother, John. Christmas in the PI, I miss it: the simbang gabi, the cold wind that touches your skin, the smell of bibingka and the caroling. I miss it. Although Christmas here in Seattle isn't so bad at all, it really doesn't compare to the 14 years of Christmas I spent in the PI. It's just different. I think Christmas there is much more festive than it is here. Or maybe I'm just being biased. Anyway, I'm just glad that for the first time I'm spending Christmas here without the feeling of not wanting to be here swimming around my head.
Merry Christmas y'all!!
Monday, December 20, 2004
It's time for my CLUB to SHINE . . . .
Our mission is to raise our own ethnic awareness while forming strong bonds among Asian Pacific Islanders while also welcoming the community.
Our objectives are to learn about different Asian Pacific American cultures, be involve in community services and most of all the three Fs: having FUN, making FRIENDS, and eating FOOD.
The last three months of hunting for community services that our club could participate in, paid off last Friday, when our club got ask to participate in two community outreach opportunities. The first one was delivering toys for the kids at the Child Haven center, located in Broadway, Downtown Seattle. The second one was singing Christmas carols to the senior folks at the FOSS Home located in Greenwood, Seattle.
We learned a lot by just delivering toys at the Child Haven center, we were toured around their facility to see the kids, ages 0 mos to 5 years old, play in their own assigned rooms. We learned that these kids came from broken homes, from parents who were reeling from drug addiction or alcohol addiction and from orphanages. We learned that the center brought these kids to their facility so that they could provide them with therapeutic and emotional needs that are not met by their caregivers at home. Too bad we couldn't play with the kids, the guide says that they didn't want to break the kids' routine schedule.
We had so much fun singing to the folks at FOSS home. It really felt good to serve these senior folks some entertainment that they deserve. And it really boosted our Christmas spirit high up in the air. Although we didn't practice singing the Christmas songs that much, we came through and had fun. Good times.
[pictures are linked to bigger pictures, so you can click them if they look blurry to you.]
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I Contradict Myself . . . .
Analyze the bolded words in the above description crap I wrote for myself in my blogger profile. If you know me VERY well, then you will most likely be agreeing with those words. BUT, if you don't know me, you will most likely to say that I'm a "poker face" person or better yet, I'm the most "hypocrite" person in this world.
I just realized yesterday that I contradict myself. It was an epiphany that I realize while I was talking to my friend at 5 am in the morning. I pose two faces to people around me. I tend to be a tad bitchy to people whom I've known for quite a while, but I tend to be a tad polite to people whom I've only known for months. It's crazy. I shouldn't be like that, right? I KNOW, I should not be like that.
So I guess I have to take the challenge that my friend imposed on me earlier today, he said, "how about telling people how you really feel, instead of keeping it to yourself. don't be a plastic". I told him that I will... that I will TRY my best, I will try my best not to be a plastic to new people.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
it's a birthday greeting..
Grai - enjoy your debut... I wish I could be there.. huhuhuhu... anyway, enjoy it.. be a princess.. be sexy... happy birthday!!
Noel - Merry Christmas.. :D... kain mo ko sa party mo, tsaka inum mo na rin ako.. hehehehe.. stay cool and fun..
If late nyo na 'tong nabasa.. BELATED na lang.. alabyu!! muah!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Solve this Calculus problem.
This was one of the questions asked in our Math final test that was held earlier today. For some reasons I didn't know how to handle this problem, hence, I ended up writing the wrong answer. GRRR!!
I pose this problem to y'all Math whiz and Math enthusiasts out there. Answer the question in bold and if you can, please post your answer in my comment box. I really want to know what the REAL answer for this story problem is.
Monday, December 13, 2004
ATTN: Readers
Read this pathetic post first to get the background of this computer plugging entry.
If any of you or anyone you know is planning to buy a relatively new desktop computer, email me at or I'm currently selling my Dell Dimension 2400 Desktop.
Here are some of the important specs:
40 GB of Hard Drive - 12 GB are already filled with the programs that came with it and also some of the programs that I installed in it
256 MB of RAM
2.4 GHz of Intel Celeron processor
Combo Drive - CD-RW/DVD
3.5 Floppy Disk
Netgear Network Wireless Card
It has a 3-year limited warranty covered by Dell. I bought it last September of 2003, so warranty is now at 2 years and its relatively new.
PLS. PLS. if anyone of you knows anybody who lives around Seattle Area, who's thinking about buying a relatively new but used computer, EMAIL ME!!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Feeling a bit crazy
It wasn't exactly an impulsive buy, I was already researching and canvassing about what laptop computer to buy since late October. As for my desktop computer, I was planning to sell it.... before I buy my laptop computer.
But I haven't sold my desktop computer yet, insert "impulsive buyer" insult here. Yes, that's where "I'm an impulsive buyer" insult to myself comes in.
When will I ever learn not to make hasty decisions? When will I ever learn to *fcukin' prioritize?
I'm going CRAZY.. CRAZY.. CRAZY..
UPDATE (12-13, 2:47 am):
I still feel bad about this whole "buying a laptop" issue. I just had a rude awakening when I was talking to my friend. She bluntly asked me why did I even bought the laptop already when I haven't even sold my desktop pc yet. It was a real stab in the heart when I saw those words popped out of our messenger window. Don't get me wrong here, I didn't take her question in an offensive way. I just got taken a back by the fact that she was right about her question, even though it was only a question. Why did I even buy a laptop when I haven't even sold my desktop pc yet? Why?
This is actually more than the computer buying itself. It's more of me downing myself for being so impulsive/compulsive or can I say OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE? I thought I planned this whole decision thing thoroughly. I thought I had all the factors covered. I even dragged my sister with me to the Apple store to ask the question that I myself have forgotten to ask. I guess research, asking people about what's good and what's bad about a MAC, canvassing, and reading all the pros and cons about a MAC computer in the internet isn't quite enough to make the decision.
Ironically, I myself don't like impulsive buying. I always get annoyed when my mom buys way too much noodles or cereals. I always get annoyed when I hear that my sister asks my other sister or my mom to buy stuff for her kids, stuff that I KNOW FOR A FACT that her kids already own. I guess being an OC runs in the family. But I don't want to be an impulsive-compulsive buyer. I want to be a person who can make decisions that will go without hitches or flaws. We all know that decisions are a big part of our lives. It can either break us or make us. I wish that our school had a class that teaches the right way to make decisions. But I wonder, right at this very moment, is there such thing as "the right way to make decisions"?
I beg y'all, if you know anyone who lives in Seattle who desperately needs a relatively new computer, email me @ or
Friday, December 10, 2004
Comfort Zones
1. Bookstores
There's something about being in a bookstore. I can't fully describe it well. You know the feeling that once you enter a place, you feel like you're at home? Well, that's kind of what I feel when I enter a bookstore. I find myself wanting to read every synopsis of all the books stack together in a pile or the ones spreaded out on the stands.
The ironic thing about this comfort zone, however, is that I'm not an avid reader. I read once in a while, but only if the very first chapter of the book caught my attention or if it is a book that I really really wanted to read. But still, even if I'm not a book worm, bookstores still give me the feeling of being at home.
Favorite Bookstores: Barnes and Noble AND Half-Price Bookstore.
2. My Room

Who doesn't love Starbucks? You can do your work, your homework, you can chat with friends, read newspapers, and play with your computer in that place. You don't even have to buy coffee! Everyone who's a Starbucks lover would agree with me on this: the coffee aroma that you smell once you enter the store will make you want to stay in and possibly buy a cup of joe.
Whenever I'm in Starbucks, I always find myself buying a tall, decaf, toffee nut latte when I feel chilly or a tall, toffee nut frappucino when I feel hot. Good times.
.::. What are your comfort zones? .::.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
I came across with someone..
I chicken out when it comes to talking to guys that I like or even talking to people who I don't really know personally. I'm not innately gifted with the "socially outgoing" personality. I'm more of a "if-you-want-to-talk-to-me-then-come-sit-next-to-me" (I didn't mean that in an egotistical manner, by the way).
Anyway, I think that that will be the last time that I will see him. But who knows? He might join our club! I heard that he was still interested in joining it. Hay nako, ako talga, masyadong high ang expectations, kaya ako natrotrouble e!
Hot guys are a big distraction to me .. hehehehe..
Download this: Vertigo by U2
Sunday, December 05, 2004
I'm getting Married
I hate being mushy/sentimental/emotional these days. I have a tendency to puke over all things mushy and sometimes I'm not up for "boy talk" with my friends (sorry guys, if y'all are reading this). I don't know, I guess the whole idea of love has gone way over my head that I didn't even notice it. I guess the last 3 and a half years of "non-sensible" hoping has made my heart and my mind vulnerable to being stone deaf when it comes to the matters of love. But as you can see from the words of idealism below, it ain't completely stoned.
I'm getting married to a guy who stands by me through thick and thin.
I'm getting married to a guy who cooks hearty meals three times a day.
I'm getting married to a guy who loves his family more than anything in the world.
I'm getting married to a guy who believes and walks with God.
I'm getting married to a guy who brings me back on track with my life.
I'm getting married to a guy who is not narrow minded.
I'm getting married to a guy who can completely accept a full blown frankness from me.
I'm getting married to a guy who loves to go shopping with me.
I'm getting married to a guy that is persevered and determined to work his way through life.
I'm getting married to a guy who makes me laugh so hard that it makes my stomach hurt.
I'm getting married to a guy who is tall, dark, and handsome (or tall, mestizo and handsome).
I'm getting married to a guy who loves kids and doesn't mind the idea of having one of his own.
I'm getting married to a guy who will listen to me while I grudgingly/boringly narrate stories.
I'm getting married to a guy who will accept my boring and quiet nature.
I'm getting married to a guy who will help me clean up my mess.
I'm getting married to a guy who is sensitive but not overly sensitive.
I'm getting married to a guy who will "bear hug" me from my back.
I'm getting married to a guy who treats my friends as his friends.
I'm getting married to a guy who sarcastic enough to argue with me.
I'm getting married to a guy who loves my melodramatic tones.
I'm getting married to a guy who is patient enough to deal with my mood swings.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Isn't IT?
You see what I mean by mundane things? I'm worrying about my Math class in this country while people from my home country are crying about their houses being destroyed by the typhoon, as well as, crying over their dead relatives that died during the storm depression.I took my 2nd midterm for Calculus yesterday and I will tell you this: I was so frustrated by the fact that I couldn't answer a simple optimization story problem that I almost cried. Don't get me wrong here, I did study this time. Well, if you consider looking through the solutions manual of how an optimization problem is solved, studying. I don't want to go to my Math class today because I'm scared of knowing what score I will have for that test I took. I'm worried because I might cry over a failed score in front of my classmates.
UPDATE (10:34 am) : I received my 2nd Math midterm grade today. I'm happy because I did better than my first midterm. To make things hilarious for you: I'm .1 above the passing grade for that test. GO FIGURE.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Christmas in Seattle
The day before Christmas is when the family gets together at 6 in the evening to eat the Christmas Dinner prepared by my aunt.
A dinner that consists of prime rib as the main dish and mashed potatoes, corn, and mushrooms as the side dishes.
The dinner usually ends up in bickering because of the YUMMYLICIOUS desserts that Tita Elsa makes.
My cousin Inee and I ALWAYS fight over the corners of the cassava cake. The corners are better tasting than the middle ones.
After dinner, we all bum around either in the dining room or in the living room to either bicker some more or chat or gang up on Kuya Eric.
We go to the 10 pm mass either in St. Pious or in St. Mark's.
After the mass, we go straight home to eat rolls of bread and drink hot cocoa or coffee.
While eating, we constantly check out the clock to see if it's already 12 am.
When 12 am strikes. The gifts will be passed out and opened.
After all the excitement happen from Christmas Eve till Christmas day, we go to my uncle's house to visit and share the spirit of Christmas.
(note to reader: this is my attempt in making a Christmas poem)
My Christmas spirit this year is different from last year and the year before that. I must say that it's comforting and at the same time exciting to know that my Christmas spirit is on high grounds this year. I literally can't explain to myself how joyous I feel whenever I see Christmas decorations in the mall or in people's houses or how excited I feel whenever I hear Christmas songs play on the radio.
All I want for Christmas is ... (Version 2)
1. APPLE IBook G4 -- I wonder if someone is willing to pay $999 just to give me this.
2. Power Book G4 -- Or $1600?? Any takers?
3. IPOD Mini Blue -- I want IT! I want to HAVE THIS!!
4. The OC Mix 1 and Mix 2 CD -- ok, for $11 a CD, can anyone buy this for me?? PLEASE??
5. Any Adobe Photoshop Software -- It's for my "hobby" of taking pictures
Here's what I want this world to have for Christmas:
Merry Christmas, y'all!
photos provided by: &