Thursday, March 27, 2008

purging mental diarrhea

One thing that I learned (and still learning about it..) about life is that you can never be too prepared. You can plan and plan all you want but there's always something that you will miss. Guaranteed. But one thing that you will also learn from that lesson is you have to adjust yourself to those things that can or may deviate you from your plan. Take the lesson and apply it to yourself in the future. 

I am in the process of looking for a "job". "Real" jobs seem to not come my way because my vacation time seems to "kill" it. Anyway, I think there's always a reason for something and that I have to get used to that idea. 

I am waiting for my 120 films to arrive. TAGAL. I want to take the Holga out. I actually shot 2 rolls on it already, one 120 BW and one 135 for sprockets. Have to have it develop tomorrow to see the results. 

My spring break is almost done. I wonder how weird it will be attending only one class. Anyway, I have to get used to it, I don't want to take advantage of "all" the time that I have and forget the fact that this one class is really important for me, career-wise that is. 
I am also going to start studying for the medschool test. This class that I will be taking will prompt me to study for it. I am planning to take the test probably sometime in September. I have to think of ways to really cement my status as a candidate for medical school. I wish I didn't took the phlebotomy class now instead of a year ago. I feel like it will go to waste since I can't seem to get a hold of a job that doesn't require experience or externship.

Anyway, I have 3 more months before graduation time. 

God, please give me the job. PLEASE? Please tell the hiring people that I'm not only interested in what they have and that I am also a people-person, willing to interact and be friends with them. PLEASEE????
If you don't, it's ok too. I am gonna take it as you telling me that I need to chill and just look for a campus job. But it'll be nice if I have that job though (ok i know.must have FAITH). 


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