Have you been accused of living in a dream world, Pisces? That’s not entirely true; you only see aspects of reality that others can’t. But this year you’ll discover a practical, businesslike streak in you that will enable you to face mundane matters with determination and confidence that you never knew you had. This doesn’t mean that your romantic, mystical, artistic side will go down the tubes. In fact, facing both romance and creativity with a more practical viewpoint could well improve both – and thus make the Fish VERY happy! You’ll be glowing with love, appearing more attractive. People will become more aware of you and whatever work you do – thus increasing your standing in all worlds. The key word here is, of course, balance.
Now if I were to believe this crap ---- I would definitely be excited about FACING CREATIVITY WITH A MORE PRACTICAL VIEWPOINT and PEOPLE BEING AWARE OF WHATEVER WORK I DO. Not really believing the looveee stuff, but that's just me being a cynical byatch.
Check out this link if you're curious as to what 2006 holds for your sign.
I have several photography projects in mind that I want to do this year. There's quite a lot that I'm thinking about and I actually want to deviate myself from that because it's making me insane! So, I lined up these projects that I want to do AND finish by the end of this year. I'm following my English 211 lesson:
"don't dwell too much on your problems, if you do it will make you go crazy. do something for yourself. do something that will make your time worthwhile. do something that will make you forget about your problem. true enough, the problem won't go away, but at least you did something else, instead of dwelling on it."
1) Archive 2005 artsy fartsy photographs in my newly purchased photograph scrapbook from Papyrus. (***)
2) Archive ALL my photographs in photo albums. (***)
3) But, before I do (2), I must purchase CHEAP, yet, artsy photo albums to put my photographs in.
4) But, before I do (1), (2) and (3), I must print out all the photos I have in my laptop, because they're eating up a lot of space in my computer.
5) But, before I do (4), I must pick which photos I want to print out.
6) I have to start being "intimate" with my digital camera. I must know what else it can do. I must know and master all its functions. I must go beyond using the AV mode. I must start using the MANUAL and TV mode. I must start learning how to take artsy photos using the flash. (***)
6) Start taking pictures for 2006 photographs. They must have a theme. Must follow the motto "START SOMETHING PHOTOGRAPHIC". They must be PORTFOLIO worthy. (***)
The ones with (***) are the MUST ACCOMPLISH BY THE END OF THIS YEAR.
A Preview of early 2006 photos:

Meet my coffee cup, Grumpy. He has been dubbed as the "perfect coffee cup" by a Starbucks barista. I'm quite proud of him. Located at the back is my English packet and my pen/pencil case and a tiny part of my iPod, these three have been my best friends ever since school started. Don't know what I would do without them.
I will have more for you next week. I'm pretty swamp with school right now. Dante and differentials and two dimensions are grilling my brain.
Have a good weekend y'all!
your grumpy cup is awesome!!! love it.
hope you are still having fun though. and i'm so proud you are going to pursue photography more this year! so proud. :)
k, love, take care. mwah.
HEHEHE.. I love it too!!
I am having fun girl.. hehehe.. having fun taking lots and lots of pictures.. hehehe..
i mishu! hope to talk to you soon..
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