Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Up Mountains, Up Walls, Up High

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

Since my tuition is paying for the Intramural Activities Building, I should probably start going there and make some use out of it. The building has an indoor climbing center that is perfect for satisfying my interest of wanting to climb a wall again.

I've always been wanting to climb walls again ever since I tried it two years ago. I had a chance once when me and my friends were strolling around the Seattle Center arcade area where there is a single wall that entices people to satisfy their whims to be Spider Man. I didn't climb then because I didn't have the right footwear for it and it didn't really look safe to me. The first time I climbed it felt safe because (1) I had my sister, Lee, as my belay-er (the one that holds the strings attached to me while I climb) and (2) the place where I first climbed at had cushioned mats, the Seattle Center one didn't have either of those.

Now I have a perfect chance to climb again. I don't know when I'll do it. I would probably want someone to go with me there and be my belay-er. But yeah, I just want to climb walls again. It's fun and exciting and scary at the same time. It actually helps ease my fear of heights.

And as for the quote that I pasted above, I know that climbing walls is totally different from climbing mountains. But I'm sure it feels rather the same. I want to climb walls again because I want to laugh my way through problems again. If I climb and reach the top, I can sense that I will feel that I'm leaving my problems down the bottom where they belong.

"For any one to love a man, he must be hidden, for as soon as he shows his face, love is gone."
- The Brothers Karamozov, Fyodor Dostoevsky

I just experienced my first "out-of-borough" lifestyle, today. It's not bad actually, it feels rather good. It feels good to accomplish something without any distractions whatsoever. Not that I'm saying that my "borough" stuff, i.e. my friends, were a distraction (I MISS YOU GUYS, really seriously... UVILLAGE people!! Blue C Sushi!! Who's with me? :D But not now.. hehehe.. I know we're all busy), but it's nice to be able to prioritize again .... well, sort of. I think I'm on the road of accomplishing my goal of making my studies my ultimate #1 priority. I actually blew a photog assignment today because I was behind with my readings for Philo and Biochem. But the reason that I got behind was that I had to shoot an event yesterday, so all is well. I think I pretty much got that down. I hope.


Anonymous said...

wow, nietzsche and dostoevsky? i thought you were behind in your readings... :)

i haven't read either but i hear their names being dropped in my classes all the time. maybe i am missing something...

go climb! see you saturday at sarah's partay!

Anonymous said...

I made up for it during my break hours and the time before One Tree Hill.. hehehehe.. see yah!

Anonymous said...

partay! partay!

Anonymous said...

BLOG, BLOG, BLOG, BLOG, and BLOG. Need I say more?