Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Positive Attitude Coming from A Positive Woman

I admire how my mom handle her problems. I admire how she stays positive in the midst of money problems, health problems and work problems. Just today, she told me: "Di bale na na naoverboard ako sa payment, basta ba maganda ang aking hair".

I wish I had her positive attitude sometimes.

I wish I could say "di bale nang 2.0 ako sa Organic Chem, basta ba nandito ang computer ko sa tabi ko, solve na ko". But it's not always easy to say it, nor is it easy for me to focus on such positive words. There's always this thing called "pessimism" that creeps up on me.

I guess that's life, it's complicated that way.


Anonymous said...

duddeee..i love your mom!!!hehhe..she so...lovable!!hehehe..

Anonymous said...

"Di bale na na naoverboard ako sa payment, basta ba maganda ang aking hair."WahHAhaha..LaffED MY BuTt OfF!!HEhehheHE..

StILL LaFfInG MY bUtt oFF..uR MOM So CuTe!!!hEHhehehe..BwaHHAhahah...hihihihihi..

Anonymous said...

YOu knOW Y Ur FeELiNG a bIt UnDer D WeAthEr LaTelY!??!iTs ThaT TimE of D MonTh...TiMe To Make An aPPoInTMenT 2 C UR DoCtoR!!HELLERRRRR!!!!BwAHahHAHAHHA...LASt mOnTh U saId u Wer GoNna CaLL FoR aN APpT..ND Its MaY ALreaDy!!!gO gET iT aLREaDYY..tHEN u'LL HaV one LEss prObLem 2 DeaL wiT..Hehehe..I ToLD u iLL go WIT ChU..HuRRy Up bEFoRe I chaNge my miNd..

Anonymous said...

YOu knOW Y Ur FeELiNG a bIt UnDer D WeAthEr LaTelY!??!iTs ThaT TimE of D MonTh...TiMe To Make An aPPoInTMenT 2 C UR DoCtoR!!HELLERRRRR!!!!BwAHahHAHAHHA...LASt mOnTh U saId u Wer GoNna CaLL FoR aN APpT..ND Its MaY ALreaDy!!!gO gET iT aLREaDYY..tHEN u'LL HaV one LEss prObLem 2 DeaL wiT..Hehehe..I ToLD u iLL go WIT ChU..HuRRy Up bEFoRe I chaNge my miNd..

Anonymous said...

SoRrY..DouBLe SenT..HHEhehehe...MakeS iT LooK LiKe u Have MoRe THaN 3 CoMmEntS huH!!!hEHheheh...ChURi!

Anonymous said...

liane, you do the best you can dear. some people just are so positive. *huggles tight*