Guys, meet Curly, my 8 months old dog and my brother. OK. The word "brother" might creep people out, but that's how I look at him since I don't really have a little brother or a little sister. He's a Cheasepeake (if that's the right way to spell it) Bay Retriever and he loves to play catch/retrieve (hence, the operative word "Retriever" in his name) and he's naughty, well all dogs can be naughty sometimes, right?
Anyway he's being trained right now to be more sociable, since when he's around dogs he can get very antsy and very aggressive towards them.
Moving on to another topic. If you guys read my random rants in my website, I said there that I didn't like to write at all. Well, I'm sorta having a change of heart/mind about the whole "I don't like writing" matter. I'm starting to dig writing. Maybe the reason that I don't like writing that much is because I don't write a whole lot of times and sometimes when I do write, I don't know what to write about or something relative to that idea. I definitely should start to learn how to like writing or else I won't survive college world or worse, the 'work' world.
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