We can't have a job that pays well and have a good work environment at the same time. We can either have one or the other. But we can't have both things at the same time. One has to give in order for the natural order of things to remain balanced.
Tell me about someone who had it all -- money, power, love, stable life, good education -- and you can banish my opinion. I believe that not everyone has what they want in their life.
Skills that I have gained to date:
1) Strong - willed - I wasn't one before.
2) Resilience - The ability to bounce back from one rejection to another and I am developing a strong and thick skin and I will continue to develop it until the day I die.
3) Attentiveness - I still have the quality of making sure that others are well taken care of, whether directly or indirectly.
4) Great attention to detail - I become really obsessive when a shirt in a pile is wrongly folded. I mentally slap myself whenever I make a mistake on a simple thing that I could've avoid in the first place i.e. checking if tags are correct or not.
5) The ability to maintain composure in the midst of chaos and aggressiveness.
6) The ability to move fast when the need arises.
7) The ability to finish a task that I started.